The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast

119. How to Stop Holding Back in Life and in Business with Shannon Talbot, Author of "Break Free: Stop Holding Back, Start Being You—Your Guide to Creating the Career and Life of Your Dreams"

Shannon Talbot Season 3 Episode 119

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Welcome to The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast! In today’s episode, we have the pleasure of hosting Shannon Talbot, a former corporate executive turned coach, keynote speaker, and author of the empowering new book, "Break Free: Stop Holding Back, Start Being You—Your Guide to Creating the Career and Life of Your Dreams." Shannon shares her journey from the corporate world to a life of fulfillment, passion, and purpose. Join us as we dive into her insights on overcoming barriers and living your true potential.

5 Reasons to Listen:
- Discover Practical Steps: Learn actionable steps from Shannon’s book to break free from limiting beliefs and excuses that hold you back.

- Overcome Fear of Success: Understand how the fear of success can hinder your growth and how to overcome it.

- Find More Balance: Get tips on balancing motherhood and ambition, and finding joy and fulfillment in everyday life.

- Identify Burnout Signs: Recognize the signs of burnout and discover strategies to maintain your well-being.

- Set and Achieve Goals: Gain insights on setting meaningful goals and envisioning your ideal life to make it a reality.

Connect with Shannon:
Thank you for joining us for this insightful conversation with Shannon Talbot. If you’re ready to break free from your limitations and start living the life you've always dreamed of, be sure to check out Shannon’s book:
 "Break Free," available on Amazon.
Connect with Shannon on her website, or at
Follow her on Instagram at @ShannonTalbot_Coaching 
Connect with Shannon on LinkedIn at for more inspiration.

Remember, you are more than enough. Keep pursuing your dreams, and until next time, take care!


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Thank you for listening and keep up the great work, mama!

The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast Interview with Shannon Talbot

[00:00:00] Angela Masciulli: I am so excited to have Shannon Talbot on the podcast today. Thank you for joining me. 

[00:00:06] Shannon Talbot: Thanks for having me. I'm excited to be here. 

[00:00:08] Angela Masciulli: Yeah, so you are a former corporate executive turned coach, keynote speaker, and now an author. And one of the things that we're really going to talk about is your new book, right?

[00:00:22] Break Free, Stop Holding Back, Start Being You, Your Guide to Creating the Career and Life of Your Dreams. That is audacious, right? It is. In that so many people don't even believe that's possible or they're worthy of that. So I think that this is such a great topic to talk about today. 

[00:00:49] Shannon Talbot: Awesome. Yeah. I'm excited to dive in with you.

[00:00:52] Yeah. 

[00:00:52] Angela Masciulli: Let's start with like, who is this book for? Who did you think about when you were writing this book? [00:01:00] 

[00:01:00] Shannon Talbot: So I thought, this book is for a lot of moms who are trying to balance. their careers, their businesses, life, their kids, all of that, wearing all those hats. It's really for moms who are looking to bring more joy and passion into their lives.

[00:01:18] Perhaps they're looking for more balance to bring that in. And also for anyone, Who perhaps feels a bit stuck in a rut, things are maybe okay, but they want more. Or maybe things aren't okay and they definitely want more in their lives. Yeah. So this book is for them. And then lastly, I would say this book is for anyone too, who's maybe been playing a bit small and isn't ready to go after more of what they want to, be bigger and go for more audacious or bigger goals.

[00:01:46] And this book will help them as well. 

[00:01:48] Angela Masciulli: Yeah, and I definitely think, especially the exercises that you have in the book, I think are great. And, I use similar ones to really get to the heart of what's holding you [00:02:00] back. And so I also but as I was reading the book, I would love to hear in your words what we need to be breaking free from.

[00:02:12] Shannon Talbot: Yeah. So in the book, I identified four key areas that we need to break free from. And I'll start by saying this too. We don't want to try and break free from all of them at once because we're setting ourself up for failure, but I'm going to just share the four key areas, but just be mindful that I don't want everyone going Oh my gosh, Oh no, I'm so behind in everything or I have to do it all.

[00:02:36] But the four key areas are number one excuses. And this was my crutch for so long and I share a lot of personal stories here at the book of myself and other really incredible women, but my excuse for years was I don't have time. I don't have energy. We say, I don't have money a lot to, to get out of things.

[00:02:55] So we, we, or I don't know how is another excuse we lean on. [00:03:00] So those excuses are really just excuses, right? They're stories we tell ourselves to not do the thing that may be a bit scarier. We don't want to do it which leads into the second one. And this is a big one. And probably the more talked about one are fears.

[00:03:16] So we have all these fears and the one I talk about in the book that we probably maybe don't talk about enough and especially for any mompreneurs is a fear of success. So we might have, and I actually had this that I didn't, it took a coach teasing this out of me for me to realize I had this because it was so funny, she asked all these questions.

[00:03:37] And then the end, it was this aha moment that, Oh my gosh. If I get the client, if I make the sale, then I have to actually do the work. Then I have to show them I know what I'm talking about, or I have to do it. And oh, geez, then I might be judged or I might not do it the way they thought. And all these things.

[00:03:54] So fear of success is a big one. Then third area [00:04:00] are negative beliefs or what I like to call fake news. So we tell ourselves stories or they were things we learned. In childhood, Oh, I'm not good enough. I'm not pretty enough. I'm not smart enough. All these things that we tell ourselves I'm not good with money or I don't know how to get new clients and these things stick and they really can hold us back.

[00:04:25] And the worst part too, but this one is a lot of times these things are subconscious. We don't actually know they're there. They're blind spots, but they're impacting us more than we realize. So I have some exercises in that chapter to help tease out some of those negative beliefs or fake news, fake stories we tell ourselves.

[00:04:43] And the last one goes hand in hand with all the rest, but it's our bad habits. And that's, especially if we have a down day or something falls through, it's turning to those unhealthy coping mechanisms that, we might do for me, [00:05:00] it was eating chips. I would eat a lot of chips and I'd binge watch TV, right?

[00:05:04] And then I'd go to bed later and then the next day I wouldn't feel as good. I wouldn't be as productive. I wouldn't be as patient with my kids. And just has us. In this downward spiral. So it's looking at how can we, again, not tackle them all, but how can maybe we take one bad habit and start to work on it so we have more energy and more time perhaps in our days to do more of what we do want to do.

[00:05:29] Angela Masciulli: Yeah. And I think we're all guilty of. Suffering from things in all of those categories, and it does, literally, it can take years, but I love how you point out the starting point is just awareness, and, that is so key, if you can just, Start to be aware why you are telling yourself stories and, or procrastinating.

[00:05:53] That can just be the crack in the foundation to, a whole new way of being. [00:06:00] But, ultimately, I don't know if you have any opinions about what do you think Is holding us back from beginning to make those changes and I'm sure there's more than one thing holding us back, right? 

[00:06:18] Shannon Talbot: Yeah, there's things.

[00:06:20] Yeah. I think really what starts even before you're right, even before identifying the actual obstacles. It's, we don't always give ourselves permission. Especially as adults and as we get older and we tell ourselves, Oh, we have to pay bills and we have to be responsible and we talk ourselves out of doing the things that may bring us more joy.

[00:06:42] And. So we don't always give ourselves the permission. So I always like to tell people, give yourself permission, let yourself dream, let yourself come up with those goals that are going to excite you. And then the second part, which kind of goes hand in hand is you have to drop the [00:07:00] guilt.

[00:07:00] That was a big one for me was then, on paper, I had so many things going for me, but I wanted more. I wanted different things, but then the guilt came in and it was like, how can I want more? That's selfish. You should be thankful and grateful for what you have and you can be grateful and thankful and still want more.

[00:07:20] And I like to look at it, when we look at. A great way of doing this is seeing what example do I want to set for my kids, right? What do I want them to see that I'm doing so that they grow up to know that's okay. That's what I'm going to do too, right? So set the example maybe we didn't have from our parents.

[00:07:40] We can then set that example for other people in our lives. Okay. And then the third one is, and this isn't my saying it, it's in those books and movies where it's it just, you just need two minutes of courage or 20 seconds of courage, that boost of courage to go after it, to, have that conversation to send that [00:08:00] email or connection request or whatever that is.

[00:08:04] To, to start on your journey. 

[00:08:07] Angela Masciulli: No, I think that's so powerful, especially for parents who I think tend to delay their own dreams and goals because they're parents and maybe try to live through their kids ambitions or hand off their ambitions to their kids. But it can be so much more powerful to demonstrate what's possible yourself, you In the midst of parenthood, it is, I don't think that there is any more powerful thing you can do as a parent who wants to encourage their children.

[00:08:40] So I love that you bring that up because, it is, it's so easy and, I'm sure we're all guilty of it at some point just going, I'm just going to focus on this parent thing. And because it's hard, it's really hard at all stages but it's so [00:09:00] easy to do that. So I think that is such an important point and you talked about goals and I would love to hear your thoughts on, where do we begin?

[00:09:12] Let's say we actually start to begin that to think, okay, I'm going to go after this life that is more fulfilling and I have more happiness. But how do we start creating goals to begin to achieve that? 

[00:09:27] Shannon Talbot: Yeah. So interesting timing. I just had a call with a client last night and she's one of my longest standing clients.

[00:09:36] And she said, you know what the biggest game changer for me was? She said, you asked me, you had me close my eyes. And you had me envision an ideal day in, I'll either do five or 10 years depending on the age of the person, but five or 10 years, what's your ideal day look like and work day. If there's work there, from the time you wake up in the morning till the time [00:10:00] you go to bed at night, just picture it.

[00:10:02] Don't make any rules. Don't tell yourself it's silly. Don't tell yourself it's not possible. Just let yourself picture that ideal day. And from there, you can then, make the vision a bit more clear, understand, okay, what is it you do want in your life? What don't you want in your life and drill those down.

[00:10:22] And that stuck with her and now has her set on a different path from what she was on because that was a vision she created and it is what gets her through the tough days. So that's what I say to do, don't get bogged down in the how, just start with that vision. And if you want. create, one sentence of what that looks like.

[00:10:44] So in my case, I was in corporate, I was working in banking. My whole background was business. And I came up with one sentence that said that I put for 10 years away. So in 10 years, [00:11:00] I wrote, I am a successful entrepreneur who helps women live happier, healthier, and more fulfilling lives. At the time, I had no clue what that would look like.

[00:11:12] I don't even have, I don't have any sociology classes, nothing. My whole background was business. And I, parts of me were like, this is silly to put this is really far fetched. But I didn't care. I put it out there. And the second part of it was I wrote it down. Every day, maybe not weekends, maybe not seven days a week, but I wrote it down probably five days a week.

[00:11:33] I wrote that sentence out. I wrote that sentence in 2019 to come true by 2030. I left the corporate world. to do just that two years later in 2021. So not saying it needs to come, not saying it will come that fast for everybody. And it may not even, it may change. It may go in a different direction. That is also okay.[00:12:00] 

[00:12:00] But it starts with that big long term exciting vision for you to just start to be open to more possibilities. 

[00:12:09] Angela Masciulli: Yeah. When I talk to people that Imagining, especially if you've been in corporate or, worked for somebody else your whole life, imagining your ideal day is very difficult and like scary.

[00:12:22] And so I really love kind of the framework you give like 10 things in 10 years, and you don't have to accomplish it tomorrow. Which often oftentimes we beat ourselves up for not doing. But I think, and then to just writing it and committing it and being committed to it. And reinforcing that in your brain, I think it's just like such a powerful exercise that I think is really.

[00:12:53] Something I love to give people action steps that they can do you're listening to this. [00:13:00] You can do this right now. You can sometime after you listen to this, I would recommend it within 24 hours. There's something powerful about 24 hours to making it a habit and really committing to, if you want to change your life in a certain direction, thinking of 10 things, or maybe you can't even take 10 things.

[00:13:22] Think of 10 things, like five things, whatever it is. 

[00:13:26] Shannon Talbot: Yeah. And if I could just add one thing, I love this action step. Yes, please go do it. Yeah. One thing. Some of my 10 items aren't necessarily end goals there, I talk about how my, I want my kids to be like, my kids are kind and healthy and happy and follow their passion, so some of them aren't necessarily. Destinations. They're more, how I want us to be living. So just another thought to throw in there too, that the goals, it could be around your work life balance. It could be around your hobbies. It could be around doing [00:14:00] more exercise, whatever that looks like for you.

[00:14:02] It can have a holistic picture. 

[00:14:05] Angela Masciulli: Yeah, and I love that you brought that up because I think it's important to think about how you want to feel and how you want the other people around you to feel and really dial in on that because we're just so used to being stressed all the time. Sometimes I think we don't even think that.

[00:14:23] We can feel differently. It's possible. It's possible. It is. Yeah, it totally is. Yeah. So I love this idea too. And I find it so interesting the discussion around unleashing our potential, which I know you focus on too. So I know that, I don't know, I've heard statistics that We usually develop very little of our potential, but do you have any insight on how we can work towards, [00:15:00] becoming more of that potential that we have inside of us and dialing in on what that may be?

[00:15:07] Shannon Talbot: Yeah. So I'd say the two biggest things are one, are, looking at your strengths, what are your strengths and how can you play those up more? And they talk about this a lot in corporate too, right? Or even job interviews like, Oh, what are your weaknesses? And you always want to, you always spin your weaknesses into a positive, A lot of times we focus on our weaknesses probably too much, right?

[00:15:27] We focus on the gaps and especially if we're wearing many hats and trying to do many different things, we'll focus on what we're not doing or what we're not great at. I would say, forget about that stuff. Focus on what you are great at. Write it down. Remind yourself. What are those strengths? What are the parts that you're really good at or you're eager to learn?

[00:15:49] Maybe you're not there yet, but you're willing to work on it. Can you get help with the other parts, right? Can you outsource them or get help or, find a way so that they're not taking up a lot of [00:16:00] mental space? And then what was my second thought? Went out the window. It was, sorry, what was your question again?

[00:16:11] Angela Masciulli: No, that's okay. It's hard to keep all of that kind of stuff. You've got so much stuff in your mind about. All of these topics, but I was curious on how we can start tapping into our potential, right? 

[00:16:23] Shannon Talbot: Yes. Yeah. So biggest things are to, rediscover your strengths, write your strengths down. What are they?

[00:16:31] What are you good at? What can you lean into more forget about your weaknesses, put those aside or find people to help you with those. But. Don't let them take up so much mental space because they do, and that drains your energy. Focus on what you're good at, lean into that. And then, just showcase that as much as you can.

[00:16:51] I know we get another thing, we get, Oh, it's the, Oh, I have to sell myself. Ooh, I don't want to look salesy or, Oh Oh, I don't want to be [00:17:00] talking about myself. I don't want to come across as egotistical and the thing too is if you're already worrying about that, you probably will not come across as self centered or egotistical.

[00:17:12] You're going to find a way to do it. That's more natural that, it was going to be right for you, but everything requires us to be selling ourselves in some way. And just, I would say we have to, go out and do that more and don't worry so much about what other people think. That's another in the book I talk about three Ps that hold us back.

[00:17:36] Angela Masciulli: Yes. 

[00:17:36] Shannon Talbot: And especially as women. 

[00:17:38] Angela Masciulli: Yes. 

[00:17:38] Shannon Talbot: The three Ps are perfectionism, people pleasing. And perception. So caring too much what other people think of us. And these are all important in small doses because we don't want to be jerks, but they, these three habits can hold us back so much [00:18:00] more than we realize. And so I'd say, you know what, Dan is better than perfect for people pleasing.

[00:18:08] If you're saying yes to somebody else, you're saying a no to yourself. And then on perception. If you're going to annoy people, or if they don't, if they're gonna not treat you well, you don't want them in your circle anyway. So caring less about those three things will also help you to, focus on what's more important in your life.

[00:18:30] Angela Masciulli: Yeah, and I thought it was really interesting. I hadn't seen it before in your book. You talked about different types of boundaries when you talk about, the people pleasing. And so I don't know if you want to talk about that because I thought that was really interesting because we, it's You know a buzzword to say create boundaries and that's really hard for Especially women who have not associated with boundaries at all, which was me a few years ago so yeah, can you just talk about [00:19:00] like some of the boundaries we need to keep in mind when we're doing that?

[00:19:04] Shannon Talbot: Yeah, definitely and i'll start with probably the hardest one are people boundaries So who do you? You know Let into your life on a regular basis. And sometimes we can't control it. Might be a mother in law or, a boss or a client that we hopefully not a client. Hopefully you love your clients, there's sometimes people we work with that we don't love.

[00:19:27] So looking at the people in your lives and the simplest way of doing this with all types of boundaries is asking yourself, does this give you energy? Or does it drain your energy? If it drains your energy, you need to have a boundary around it. So if it's say your mother in law and she drains your energy, okay, so yes, you might have to see her, I don't know, four times a year or something like that.

[00:19:55] Okay, but maybe you put up a boundary to no more than four times a year. And [00:20:00] maybe after you see her, you go meet up with a friend to give you some more energy to offset the, the drained energy there. But just, and also to, we're really, especially for any of you people pleasers listening, there are people in your lives that aren't treating you well, that aren't reciprocating their friendship or your generosity.

[00:20:20] Then, who do you not need in your life anymore? And it's a really harsh question and it feels icky, but is there, who do you might, who do you need to break up with in your life? Or who do you need to spend less time with? Because it is really impacting your energy, your joy, your time. So those would be the big ones on people boundaries.

[00:20:43] Um, time boundaries, we talked about those a lot, but it's, we're not actually bad at setting them. We're bad at sticking to them. So you might say, okay I'm going to only work until, five o'clock and then I'm going to have dinner with my family or I'm going to go to the gym or [00:21:00] whatever that looks like.

[00:21:02] But if you don't put it in your calendar, and if you don't, actually go, make this space and time for it, you're going to come up with a great excuse or a great reason as to why that can't happen. So protecting your time boundaries is really important. And then another one we maybe don't talk about that much are space.

[00:21:20] So we have personal space. We have our physical space, but just thinking about, especially in this new world, which I know we've been saying for a while now, if we're working, you're working from home and that can be draining some days, right? So what might you need to do when it comes to your working space to bring in more energy or joy?

[00:21:40] Okay, maybe you can go to a coffee shop or take more breaks to go for walks or things like that. Yeah. And just. Just, again, it comes back to the awareness, being aware of whether something gives you energy or joy or takes your energy or joy. And then trying to offset that a little bit more, trying to put in those boundaries in place to [00:22:00] protect it.

[00:22:02] Angela Masciulli: Yeah, no, I think those are so important to keep in mind and constantly strive to refine as our lives evolve. Like you said, our Working at home is very tough and we're always having different relationships and different situations in our lives where we need to check in with ourselves.

[00:22:20] Is this working for me? How am I feeling? Which I think really leads to, I love your emphasis on well being and helping people in their jobs and whether they're entrepreneurs or in corporate or whatever they're doing is to have more well being. And I think it's just as important and so easy for us to slip into burnout.

[00:22:44] So I would love to hear your perception on the things that we need to. Yeah. 

[00:22:57] Shannon Talbot: So when it comes, I know burnout, Oh, [00:23:00] it's, it sneaks up on us so easily. And I liken it to, if we look at our phones, our cell phones, I'm sure some people are okay with their phone battery dying. I am not. I don't even like my phone getting in the red, it makes me nervous. I'm but I look at ourselves, if we look at ourselves, we're not so great at knowing, okay, what's my low battery signal and how can I recharge my batteries? And it's interesting. So in my case, I did not know my burnout signs until my mid thirties, mid to late thirties when I finally connected the dots and my burnout sign started when I was in grade six.

[00:23:44] Angela Masciulli: Wow. I 

[00:23:45] Shannon Talbot: put a lot of pressure on myself. Yeah. 12. I know I look at it now. I'm like, wow, how did I get burnt out at age 12? And my parents were not good at managing stress or looking after their wellbeing. So they wouldn't really have known or picked up on it [00:24:00] either. But starting in grade six and then a few times later on when I got really stressed and burnt out, my neck would actually get stuck and be stuck for a few days.

[00:24:10] And since I connected the dots. Now, not to say the stress goes away, right? We're always going to have stress, but now I have the awareness that as soon as my neck starts tightening or starting to hurt, that is my sign. It's Shannon, okay, time to, go for a walk or take a break or look after yourself.

[00:24:30] And so it's getting to know what are your signs. So when you have your really busy periods, when you have your stressful periods what have you noticed any patterns? What might be showing up, right? Sometimes it's, I get, I hear a lot of people get eye twitches or you get really bad cold certain times of the year it can be fatigue, it could be insomnia.

[00:24:51] Like they show up in all different ways physically. And we just have to get better at recognizing our signs and then [00:25:00] making sure we're doing the stuff we know we should be doing to improve our wellbeing, right? The eating well, the sleeping well, the, moving our bodies. It doesn't have to be rigorous.

[00:25:11] We don't have to go do a crazy workout or anything, even just, walking more. is great. And then looking after our mental and emotional health and wellbeing as well, right? So you know, the relationships we have in our lives, relationships are the number one success factor in happiness. And that's not romantic relationships.

[00:25:30] It's any type of strong, healthy relationships in our lives. So nurturing those relationships is really good for us. And then mental being. Meditating or journaling or practicing gratitude, anything there that will just help our help us with our mindfulness. 

[00:25:48] Angela Masciulli: Yeah, no, those, it's I was actually probably in my 40s before I even learned my burnout signs.

[00:25:58] Yeah, it would be helpful [00:26:00] if we did have that little like battery symbol. I know. But other people can see and they'd be like, hey, 

[00:26:07] Shannon Talbot: apple's gonna, Apple's gonna have to come up with something. I know right, want Apple to invent. letting me know how much water I've had and how much more I need.

[00:26:15] I'm like, that's another really good invention to have because water is also really important to us as well. 

[00:26:21] Angela Masciulli: Yes, that would be so helpful. Oh, my gosh. Yeah, so I would love to also hear to, about your thoughts about what questions we should be asking ourselves because I don't know if you want to briefly tell like the story that brought you to write the book, but it's feel for people, I don't want them to have that pain point that you had or maybe I had to make them see their lives completely different and go, no, I want to be happier and have [00:27:00] more joy.

[00:27:00] So what questions can we be asking ourselves to create better lives? 

[00:27:08] Shannon Talbot: Sure. So I'll share my story first and then I'll answer your question. So yeah, it was five years ago now that my oldest who was five at the time was admitted to hospital and ended up spending 31 days there. He was there for Christmas that year for his perforated appendix, which Is a really simple.

[00:27:29] Not simple, but for his appendix, which should be a simple procedure, but just, everything that could have gone wrong, went wrong for him, unfortunately. And that was the first time in my life. We had a three year old at home, but my husband and I took turns staying overnight in the hospital and my son would go to bed early, he was sleeping a lot.

[00:27:49] And it was the first time in my life where my career really took a backseat. And. I had time and I wasn't going to be watching [00:28:00] TV and stuff while he was sleeping. So I had time to sit there and really contemplate on my life. And I don't know where it came from, but all of a sudden three questions popped into my head and I asked myself, am I happy?

[00:28:15] Am I healthy? And do I feel fulfilled? And my answers were not really. And then I felt horrible and the guilt, we were talking about earlier, the guilt set in on Shannon. How can you not feel happy, healthy, and fulfilled when you have so much great things going on in your life? And I think what happens sometimes is we.

[00:28:40] We have dreams or we have an idea when we're younger, what our life looks like. And then reality sets in or we become parents or we get married or we buy a house or, rent an apartment, whatever those look like. And with each thing we let go of, okay, maybe that dream can't happen or maybe that's, no longer [00:29:00] feasible, whatever that is.

[00:29:01] And I think for me, that was what had happened is I was doing well in my career and I was good at it and all this stuff, but it wasn't what lit me up. And as a result of that, I think because of that, I really didn't feel the happiness and fulfillment. That I wanted. And also I was so stressed out at work all the time that my coping mechanisms were very unhealthy and I wasn't doing the things that would have helped fix that.

[00:29:35] I wasn't, looking after myself. And so I think everything's so intertwined, right? And for me it was my, I wasn't happy in my career, but it could be maybe you're not happy in your relationship or. You're not happy in your, where you live or, there's so many things that could be making that happen, but then it spills into all the other areas.

[00:29:57] And so it was that moment too, where I was like, Nope, you know what? [00:30:00] I'm going to go for it and I'm going to start my journey and I want to get a big heck yes to all three of my questions. And now I can confidently say I have a big heck yes to all three of my questions. 

[00:30:11] Angela Masciulli: I love that. And it's so it's gotta be so fulfilling to help people realize that for themselves.

[00:30:18] And so I think, that's an amazing story and it's a beautiful testament to, all that you went through that you made this change, right? It's so many, we have so many opportunities to make a change that I think sometimes we go, maybe next time, maybe next year, whatever.

[00:30:38] But yeah, it's just the power of where you are now. And just a few years after that moment, when you started just making a list of 10, 10 goals and 10 years, and everything has changed for you. It sounds like 

[00:30:53] Shannon Talbot: Yeah. And it starts with baby steps too, right? So it's, it's interesting to look back and it's Oh, [00:31:00] how did I get here?

[00:31:01] Like I'm now a speaker. I'm now a coach. I wrote a book and it's, but really at the time it was just, it's taking those small manageable steps, right? It's breaking things down so they don't seem overwhelming and so that you can actually go do it. And then. I feel like, okay, you're starting to make progress and that's really what it's been for me.

[00:31:21] It's just, trial and error, making those small steps, putting myself out there and helping my clients to do the same right with their goals or whatever they want to do in their lives. It's. Helping them break it down so it is manageable and so it doesn't seem so daunting. 

[00:31:38] Angela Masciulli: Yeah. And I love that you brought that up too.

[00:31:42] It's like helping people break it down and also realizing that if you're at that point where you want to make that change, absolutely reaching out and asking for help is one, not a weakness, but two will help you get there so much quicker. 

[00:31:58] Shannon Talbot: As a coach, I have [00:32:00] coach, I have a therapist, I'm like, Oh my God, 

[00:32:02] Angela Masciulli: right.

[00:32:04] Shannon Talbot: I have had through my therapy and my coaches. It's mind blowing. 

[00:32:10] Angela Masciulli: Yeah. Yeah. And so I like to shine a light on that when somebody is okay, I'm going to do it. And it's yeah. It's so much easier when you ask for help and you have somebody who's been through that journey to help you get there.

[00:32:25] Shannon Talbot: Even 

[00:32:25] Angela Masciulli: for my book I hired a coach. 

[00:32:28] Shannon Talbot: Yeah, I hired a book coach for my book because it was, I have people offering to edit my book and stuff like that, but I'm like, actually, I also need somebody to hold me accountable and push me and lift me up on the hard days. And yeah, that's what coaches can do, which is pretty great.

[00:32:45] Angela Masciulli: Yeah, it is. It's really can be life changing. So if you wanted to leave listeners with a takeaway or a few takeaways from this episode, what would that be? 

[00:32:57] Shannon Talbot: Hey, just whatever you're [00:33:00] thinking of, whatever sparked for you during this conversation, go let yourself dream about it. Write it out as a sentence, picture it five to ten years from now, build off of that, build out those five or ten sentences, but go do it, as he said, within twenty four hours, go do it now before it gets out of your, slips out of your brain and just know that you can and it's, can be so freeing to break free and live your desired life.

[00:33:29] Angela Masciulli: Yeah. Yeah. It's totally possible. Thank you, Shannon. It's been wonderful talking to you and talking about your book, Breaking Free, and where can listeners connect with you and get the book and learn more? 

[00:33:42] Shannon Talbot: Sure. So you can go to my website, which is ShannonTalbot. com. My book is available on Amazon, or you can go to the link on my website and I'm on LinkedIn and on Instagram, Shannon Talbot underscore coaching on Instagram.

[00:33:58] So I'd love to have you [00:34:00] connect and hear your stories and hear your dreams. So please share them with me so I can help cheer you on. 

[00:34:05] Angela Masciulli: Yeah. Absolutely. No, we have such an amazing community that definitely acts as that cheerleader for our listeners. So thank you so much for giving us permission to break free from all the things that are holding us back and talking about your new book.

[00:34:22] Shannon Talbot: Thanks so much, Angela, for having me. 

[00:34:24] Angela Masciulli: Yeah. Thanks.

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