The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast

134. Unlock Your Business Potential: How Reiki Can Transform Mom Entrepreneurs by Balancing Their Energy

Angela Masciulli Season 3 Episode 134

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In this exciting episode of The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast, host Angela, a certified confidence coach and newly minted Reiki II practitioner, introduces her listeners to the powerful world of Reiki. Designed specifically for mom entrepreneurs, Angela shares her personal journey into Reiki, explains the benefits of energy healing, and announces the launch of her Reiki services. Tune in to discover how aligning your energy can help you achieve clarity, focus, and a profound sense of well-being in both your personal life and business.

Key Points Discussed:

Introduction to Reiki:
Angela shares her journey to becoming a Reiki II practitioner and explains what Reiki is, including its benefits for stress relief, clarity, and emotional balance.

Energy Alignment:
Discusses the importance of maintaining a high energetic frequency and how Reiki helps mom entrepreneurs align with their business goals.

Benefits of Reiki for Entrepreneurs:
I discuss the specific benefits of Reiki for mom entrepreneurs, such as clarity, focus, creativity, and relaxation.

Session Overview:
A look into what a customized Reiki session involves, including distance healing via Zoom, tailored to your unique needs.

Special Offer:
The first 10 listeners to book a session receive a special introductory rate, making it the perfect time to try Reiki.

Disclosure:  I am not a medical professional and Reiki is never a replacement for professional medical treatment, but only a compliment to medical treatment.

Book a 60 min. Reiki Session - the first 10 people receive a special introductory price:

00:00 Welcome and Introduction
00:33 What is Reiki?
00:52 My Personal Reiki Journey
01:53 Understanding Reiki Levels
06:54 The Importance of Energy
11:50 Benefits of Reiki for Entrepreneurs
14:17 How a Reiki Session Works
15:48 Special Offer and Conclusion

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Thank you for listening and keep up the great work, mama!

Reiki for Mom Entrepreneurs

Welcome and Introduction

[00:00:00] Angela: Hi, mom entrepreneurs, welcome back to the good enough mompreneur podcast or welcome is this is the first time that you're joining us. My name is Angela. I am a certified confidence coach and I'm now a Reiki two practitioner and I'm so excited to talk about it and I'm going to share my journey, share some of the new things coming, and I've got a special offer for you as well, so be sure to stay tuned to find out how you can get in on that and how it's going to benefit you.

What is Reiki?

[00:00:33] Angela: So, what the heck is Reiki? And that's what I'm going to talk about today. I've heard so many people ask me when I tell them, Hey, I'm a Reiki two practitioner now. And I remember more than a year ago, I didn't know what Reiki was. So we're going to talk about what Reiki is, and I'm going to share my personal story.

My Personal Reiki Journey

[00:00:52] Angela: I have had some interactions with people who, were certified in Reiki or [00:01:00] had, seen a Reiki practitioner before, but I kind of didn't really know what it was until, just before the summer, I had the opportunity to participate in a webinar about Reiki because I had been curious about it ever since I heard about it.

[00:01:14] And I met my Reiki master and it seemed So compelling, and even if I could experience, a fraction of what was possible with Reiki, I was in. I couldn't see any downside. So I then signed up to take Reiki Level 1 practitioner training, and it was so profound. So life changing, I absolutely wanted to proceed to becoming a Reiki level two practitioner, which would allow me to do distance healings myself.

Understanding Reiki Levels

[00:01:53] Angela: And so just to give you a quick overview for Reiki, there are [00:02:00] three levels. There's Reiki one, which you can do in person, hand healing from your hand, or with animals and, that sort of thing. Kind of, like somebody who does acupuncture, which is very much similar to Reiki, but we don't use anything like little needles or anything like that.

[00:02:23] Reiki is completely pain free, gentle, and a very soothing form of healing. And so, Reiki level 2 training allows you to be able to do a couple things. One is distance healing and then also do emotional and mental healings as well. So that was something that was really interesting to me because I think we all have emotional baggage.

[00:02:53] We all have those things that have happened in the past, maybe we didn't completely [00:03:00] deal with, we didn't completely feel our emotions, and it's just stuck. And especially as an entrepreneur, you My goal is to be the most unstuck person so I can thrive and I can grow and I can have an impact and I can help others and so through my Reiki training I definitely experienced that and so I am so excited to be able to offer that to you.

[00:03:27] mom entrepreneurs who were just like me who Had things that they needed to work on and we all continually have things that we have to work on But to be able to offer it in a way that I experienced it is so exciting And so I went through my Reiki training over the last few months Level one and level two i've had five initiations.

[00:03:54] And so really it's just a powerful [00:04:00] experience and I'm going to get into some of the ways that impacted me as we go on in the episode, but let's talk first about what Reiki is, and I think any Reiki practitioner would probably say that it's something along the lines of a Japanese energy healing modality or an energy healing therapy.

[00:04:25] And that is true. But if you ask a Reiki practitioner how it works, we don't really understand how it works. Our level of understanding really isn't to that level yet. On this planet but We know that it does work the people that we Have an interaction with through Reiki. There is Something that happens we feel tingling you may feel warmth.

[00:04:58] You may feel [00:05:00] some of the other things I'm going to talk about from my experience and working with others is Just this profound sense of well being and joy and attunement and alignment in a way that I honestly didn't even know was really possible or existed or I didn't realize that it was something that I should even be striving towards or why I should be striving towards, energetic alignment.

[00:05:32] Reiki is not me using my energy. With the Reiki training and initiation, what is happening is I am able to use myself as a vessel for the universal life force, which is the Reiki energy that I'm tapping into to deliver to my clients. And so, [00:06:00] I'm not using my energy. I am using universal energy in the Reiki healing session.

[00:06:08] So that's a really important thing to understand. And anyone can become a Reiki practitioner. They can be initiated, they can receive the attunement, the alignment with Reiki energy and , if anybody is interested in that, it is a very profound experience that I've never had before, way beyond meditation, which in itself can be an amazing experience.

[00:06:40] But Reiki training is, it's very powerful. With Reiki, a Reiki practitioner taps into that universal life force. They're not using their own energy. 

The Importance of Energy

[00:06:54] Angela: But why are we talking about energy and why is energy important? [00:07:00] Everything has an energetic frequency. You do. I do.

[00:07:06] This podcast has an energetic frequency. I hope it's being received on a high frequency because that's really my intentions. , But, we can interact with people, we can interact with places that impact us positively. And so, those are high energetic frequencies. We have, people and places we interact with that impact us negatively, which is a lower energetic frequency.

[00:07:36] When we're sick, we have a lower energetic frequency, which an illness is working its way through our household and a cold. And so I'm trying really hard to keep my energetic frequency high because I'm kind of feeling the effects of that cold today. But yeah, so our energy can change all of the [00:08:00] time.

[00:08:00] And so, especially as entrepreneurs, And moms, we, we set the tone for our family. We set the tone for how our kids are feeling. We should really be in, uh, purposeful about that because if we're reacting or letting our children set the tone all of the time, that's really a recipe for chaos and a lot of frustration.

[00:08:24] And so, in our businesses, we also want to align energetically with our goals. With our ideal clients with serving at our highest purpose and serving with great impact. And so being really mindful and purposeful about our energetic frequency and how we cultivate it and take care of it is really important.

[00:08:52] And so for me, what. has been really wonderful about the Reiki training I've received. [00:09:00] It's my whole life. I've had a lot of spiritual gifts. I've had been highly intuitive and I've been very energetically sensitive. And so if any of those things describe you, Reiki is really a wonderful way to help you, not be so affected by other people's energy and really kind of cultivate your own space and your own energy which can be very powerful.

[00:09:30] And that's one of the things that really I have loved. So some of the history behind Reiki, it was discovered by Dr. Osui in Japan in the early 1920s. He was a spiritual leader and he was on a 21 day fast and meditation hike in the desert. Mountains of Japan [00:10:00] and Reiki and how to practice it was revealed to him during that time and since my Reiki master can trace her training six steps back to the original Reiki master, Dr.

[00:10:14] Osui. And so there is a lineage there and you'll hear people in the Reiki community talk about what lineage they belong to. And so it has just been passed down since the 1920s 

[00:10:30] so, what can I tell you more about Reiki and why it's so important and why energy is so important and why we need to cultivate it. And really the bottom line is energy is everything. And one of the things that really struck me while my Reiki master was teaching us is that as she was learning more about Reiki and she has been [00:11:00] This is a Reiki for more than three decades.

[00:11:02] She was trying to understand more about what Reiki is, and what came to her through meditation was that it's love. And so if you're really wondering what it's like to receive a Reiki healing, that's exactly what it feels like. It feels like an abundance of love. And, I describe it as an energetic warm blanket.

[00:11:30] So, if you're wondering, like, what does this feel like? Tingling can be, , something that people experience, or, um, joy, or maybe you might have a release of emotion that has kind of been trapped. Those are all things that can be experienced. 

Benefits of Reiki for Entrepreneurs

[00:11:50] Angela: So what are some of the benefits for entrepreneurs?

[00:11:54] And this is where I wanted to get into my experience. Clarity, [00:12:00] focus, creativity, a profound sense of well being, Relaxation, an ability to sleep better, and a heightened sense of intuition can all be effects of experiencing a Reiki healing session. And so, what is really important for me to I just wanted to remind the listeners is that I am not a mental health practitioner.

[00:12:31] I am not a physician and Reiki is never a replacement, but always a compliment to getting professional medical health care, whether it be for a physical ailment or mental health. So So, why is Reiki so beneficial, especially for mom entrepreneurs? we are juggling so much. We're juggling so [00:13:00] much more than, I think, the average entrepreneur, but we're juggling even more than most people because most of the tasks in the home fall on moms, regardless of the progress that we have made.

[00:13:17] So, we're juggling more than anyone else. We're experiencing more stress. We're, we have that long mental to do list. And so, we can have issues with not being able to relax. Or sleep well. We can not feel creative, we can be kind of trapped in this cycle of self doubt and fear and depression and anxiety and those are all things that lower your energetic frequency.

[00:13:46] And so, when we're building a business, Peace. We want to be very conscious of our energetic frequency because we want to align energetically with our goals and what we want to achieve [00:14:00] and Reiki is absolutely a way to do that. And so I have experienced profound levels of clarity and focus, and, um, relaxation, a sense of well being, and, my intuition has really been heightened as well.

How a Reiki Session Works

[00:14:17] Angela: And so, let's talk about what a session would look like. And they can be customized to whatever it is that you're working through. So, a Reiki session begins with a clearing of the energy. on my side and you're, you know, the person who I work with and the sessions are all distance and through zoom and I just need to know a little bit of information about you and we talk about what it is that you're working through and set your intentions and then for about 10 or 15 minutes we [00:15:00] have that Reiki session and you're with me.

[00:15:05] And then we discuss what it is that you experienced and next steps on how you want to move forward and all the ways that you can continue to work with me. So it's really customized and it can be used to help you in so many different ways from being more creative, to finding your focus, what's the next best thing, to finding that relaxation, finding that , sense of well being, all of those things that we can separate ourselves when we're constantly thinking about our mental to do list that seems to be never ending. 

Special Offer and Conclusion

[00:15:48] Angela: So with this episode, I'm also going to leave a link in the show notes where The first 10 people who sign up for a Reiki session with me will [00:16:00] receive the Reiki session at a special introductory price that I will never offer again.

[00:16:06] It'll never be this low. So if you're thinking that this is something that you want to try, be sure to click that link in the show notes, and you will be directed to my calendar where you can set up a time that works for both of us and I think one of the biggest takeaways for this episode is really thinking about the importance of your energy and we all have an energetic biosphere.

[00:16:41] We all have a frequency that we're projecting to the world. And so what do you think that that projection is for you? What are you calling into your life right now? And some of the things that can show [00:17:00] up in our life that can really show that we need to work on our energy can be, this feeling of being stuck.

[00:17:11] Not attracting the right clients into our business. Feeling like you don't know what the next right step is. Or hiding, not feeling confident, feeling self doubt, not feeling aligned with your offers. And, not being able to step away from your work. Needing more energetic alignment can be, also the people that you choose to work with.

[00:17:40] Who are, who is working in your business and how are you working with your team? How are things going? And those can also be signs of, , some energy work that needs to be done and that can definitely, be something that you can address with a Reiki session. [00:18:00] So I'm going to leave that link below and I want to, just leave listeners with the sense of thinking about your own energy and what you're projecting, with your energy level.

[00:18:13] Bye bye. So thank you for joining me. I hope this was helpful. If you have any questions, feel free to reach out to me at mombusinesscoach. com and you can find all the links on how you can follow me, connect with me, send me an email, all of those things. You'll find that there at mombusinesscoach. com.

[00:18:34] Thank you for joining me on this episode and I'm so excited to offer these new services and I can't wait to talk to you on the next episode. I do a new interview every Monday and a solo episode every other week. So be sure to follow the Good Enough Montparnasse podcast wherever you listen to podcasts so you don't miss an episode.

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