The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast

140. How the Autumn Equinox Can Help You Reflect, Realign, and Reset Your Business for Quarter Four Success

Angela Masciulli Season 3 Episode 140

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Welcome back to another solo episode of  The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast! In this episode, your host Angela dives deep into the significance of the Autumn Equinox and how it can inspire us to pause, reflect, and reset our energy for a strong finish to the year. As we transition into quarter four, this is the perfect time to evaluate our business goals, align our intentions, and embrace the balance that this powerful season offers.

In this short but impactful episode, Angela shares her personal reflections on completing projects, the importance of celebrating wins, and the value of letting go of what's no longer serving your growth. You'll also learn how to create your own reflection ritual, set intentions for the final quarter, and realign your energy for empowered business growth.

If you're ready to finish the year strong and take advantage of the autumn energy to reset your business, this episode is for you!

What You’ll Learn in This Episode:
- The spiritual and practical meaning of the Autumn Equinox for entrepreneurs
- Why reflecting on your business achievements is key to future growth
- How to set aligned intentions for quarter four and make the most of year-end opportunities
- The power of letting go of clients, projects, or strategies that no longer serve your business
- Practical steps to realign your energy, including reflection rituals and grounding practices
- Angela’s personal experience with Reiki and how it’s expanded her approach to coaching and healing

Resources Mentioned:
- Book a Reiki Session: Ready to realign your energy? Click [here] to schedule a Reiki session with Angela and reset your energy for the rest of the year.

Connect with Angela
- Website:
- YouTube:

If you enjoyed this episode, please subscribe, leave a review, and share it with fellow mompreneurs. Let’s embrace the equinox energy together and step into quarter four balanced and empowered!

Tune in next week for another insightful interview and more actionable tips on building a business that aligns with your life and values.

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The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast Episode 140:

How the Autumn Equinox Can Help You Reflect, Realign, and Reset Your Business for Quarter Four Success 

[00:00:00]: Hey, Monpreneurs, welcome back to another episode of the Good Enough Monpreneur podcast. I'm your host, Angela Meschuli, and I do a solo episode just like this one every other week. And today we're diving into something a little bit different. but so timely, the autumn equinox. I'm recording this on the autumn equinox.

[00:00:21] So I thought it was a really good time to talk about not only that but the end of quarter three that's coming up and how all of those things are kind of tied together. So, as the days start getting shorter, and we prepare for the final quarter of the year, this is the perfect time to hit pause, reflect on our businesses, and realign our energy for what's ahead.

[00:00:46] In this short episode, I'm going to share what I've learned. Autumn Equinox means why it's such a powerful moment for reflection and how you can use this time to reset and step [00:01:00] into quarter four with clarity and purpose and really finish the year out strong. So that is something that's in my plans and I can't wait to start to share some of those things with you coming up soon.

[00:01:15] But let's just talk about what Autumn Equinox is, and first I'd like to say there's been so much going on in my life. We have completed some projects, um, I've made some changes in my business and everything has just really started to come into focus and, you know, the alignment feels really good. So right now as we're Um, entering into autumn, I'm reflecting on all of my hard work and the harvest that has come from that.

[00:01:49] Um, so many amazing people are reaching out to collaborate and be on the podcast. Some really amazing projects coming [00:02:00] up. And I just feel that I'm looking back and really reflecting on all the work that I've put in not only in quarter three and two, but years before that, that I'm really reaping that harvest right now.

[00:02:15] So I think it's important in any stage of your business to think not about where you are in the moment, but what work You're doing right now is definitely contributing to something in the future. It compounds. And so don't try to get too stuck in the moment and also look back and reflect like we're going to talk about in this episode today, about all of your wins.

[00:02:43] It's so important. Don't just be on this hamster wheel of accomplishment after accomplishment after accomplishment, but really take some time to look back and reflect. Realize you've worked really hard and you've really done a good job. I'm sure you have [00:03:00] and learned lots along the way. So let's talk about the autumn Equinox and what it is.

[00:03:09] It happens, the equinox happens twice a year in autumn and in spring. And so it's a day where, um, the daytime and the nighttime are. equally balanced, which, you know, it's, it's just perfect for a conversation about alignment, right? And so I'm feeling really balanced right now. Like we're in a good place. Um, business is in a good place.

[00:03:40] Things are going well. And so this is a powerful time to reflect on our businesses and wrap up quarter three, right? Because it's a moment of equilibrium. And after today, The days are going to start getting shorter as we head into [00:04:00] winter. So spiritually, I'm leaning more into my spiritual gifts and my spiritual side and how that affects my business and helping the, the women that I work with kind of realize the same.

[00:04:16] The equinox symbolizes balance and letting go and preparing for a new season and I've let it go of lots of things in my business that weren't serving me or the evidence wasn't there to kind of keep going in the same direction. So that just feels so timely for me. I don't know about you. If it's feeling timely for you, let me know send me a message.

[00:04:44] I'd love to hear about it. And Because we're letting go, because we're preparing for a new season, it's great to, and we're finishing the year, think about where we are and [00:05:00] reflect. And just like nature does, as it transitions into a slower pace, right? So, let's talk about reflecting on our business in Quarter four, we want to finish out the year really strong, right?

[00:05:21] And so the Equinox is an invitation to take a breath and look back on what we've accomplished in the first three quarters of the year. Have, we met our goals. What's working and what isn't. So I'm going to give you a few questions that you can ask yourself. You know, one is how aligned have you been with your goals?

[00:05:47] Are they feeling right? Sometimes we have to change our goals because we change or our business changes or we realize we need to be serving a different client. For instance, I changed my goals because [00:06:00] as a confidence coach, I wasn't feeling completely aligned with serving clients the way I was. I wanted to offer them more.

[00:06:10] I wanted to offer them more healing. I wanted to offer them more insight. And if they had issues, I didn't want to just refer them to somebody else. So earlier in the year, I worked on starting and completing my Reiki certification, which I finished in quarter three. So exciting. And my world has just expanded since.

[00:06:35] And so, two, what needs to be tweaked or prepared for quarter four? Are you thinking about maybe offering some Black Friday offers? I am thinking about that this year. I don't know, sometimes Black Friday is something that I want to be part of and then sometimes when I don't have an offer I'm glad I'm not a part of it because it's just so It's such a crazy time [00:07:00] energetically.

[00:07:00] I don't know. What are your thoughts on quarter four and being part of Black Friday? Do you like to maybe do a New Year offer instead? I don't know. I'd love to hear your perspective on that. And is there something that you're holding on to that's no longer serving you? If you are, just like the leaves fall from the trees this time of year in autumn, we need to let go of those things that aren't serving our growth.

[00:07:31] Whether it's projects that are draining us, maybe clients that are draining us, business strategies that need a reset. Or maybe you have someone on your team and you need a reset, or you need to bring somebody new on board. to help you accomplish a goal. So let's talk about some actionable steps to align with autumn energy.

[00:07:57] This is so cool. I, um, [00:08:00] it's funny, it's hard for me. I live in Florida, so we don't get those like autumn vibes. I remember what it was like to live further north. I missed that. Um, so we have to really try hard to recreate that here. Let's talk about three steps that you can do to align with that autumn energy.

[00:08:21] So one is creating a reflection ritual. Take some time to journal about your business right now. Reflect on what you've learned, what's working, and what you want to let go of as you're transitioning into this new season. Step two, set intentions for quarter four. And I talked about this in my summer, summer sanity workshop, setting intentions is so important.

[00:08:48] It took me so long to grasp this concept, like, of course I want things to go well. But setting intentions just is like [00:09:00] this, this really magical decision point where you are really truly able to add this extra bit of energy toward your goals and what you want to achieve and how you would like things to be going forward.

[00:09:15] So set some intentions. Write down one to three intentions for the last quarter of the year. How would you like it to go? What do you want to accomplish? What do you want to learn? How do you want to feel? I think that's so important. Really getting centered with how you want to feel. And then, what do you want to focus on?

[00:09:42] And how do you want to show up in your business? Step number three is an energy realignment. If you're feeling out of balance, now is the time to realign. Consider a Reiki [00:10:00] session or a simple grounding meditation to bring yourself back into harmony. I'm going to be doing some more energy podcast episodes and the importance of balancing our energy.

[00:10:15] Maybe if you're somebody who hasn't really thought about your energy and where you are and whether you're feeling aligned or not, just simply being more aware of that can be such a powerful practice. So let's wrap up as we step into the energy of the autumn equinox. Remember that this is a season of both reflection and renewal.

[00:10:44] You're reaping that harvest. You're also letting go of things that don't serve you. It's your time to realign with your business, reset your energy, and prepare for the final stretch of the year. If you're [00:11:00] feeling that you need to Take a deeper dive, if you're feeling that calling, into your energy alignment or need support.

[00:11:09] As you wrap up quarter three, feel free to reach out and book a Reiki session. I will include my link in the show notes. And I'm here to support your reset and your refocus. And I just want to thank you for spending this special time with me. Let's embrace the equinox energy together. and step into quarter four balanced and empowered. I hope this episode gave you a fresh perspective on the autumn equinox and how you can use this time to reflect, reset, and realign your energy as we head into quarter four. Remember, just like the seasons, Our businesses and lives go through cycles, and it's okay to pause and make adjustments. [00:12:00] We talked about the power of pivoting this month with some amazing guests, and if you're feeling called again to take a deeper dive into your energy alignment, don't hesitate to reach out.

[00:12:14] You can learn more about me. Angela, your host here at the Good Enough Mompreneur podcast at mombusinesscoach. com. And then if you're listening to this podcast episode, be sure to join us over on our YouTube channel at MomBusinessCoach. We'd love to have you there. definitely subscribe. We have amazing podcast episodes coming up.

[00:12:38] We come out with a new episode every Monday that's an interview with a guest and every other week I do a solo episode just like this one and with that I hope that you are reflecting and realigning and taking the time during the autumn equinox right now to press the reset [00:13:00] button if you need to.

[00:13:02] Be sure to recognize your wins and I'm wishing you such a great quarter four and an end to 2024. I'll talk to you on the next episode of The Good Enough Mompreneur Podcast.

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